BelgeCraft Belgian Tripel All Grain Malt Kit

Regular price
R 499.00
Sale price
R 529.00
Unit price per
A step up from Dubbel is the Tripel, which, while higher in alcohol than the Dubbel, is lighter in colour and body. The addition of clear candi sugar helps preserve the golden colour. Spicy and fruity flavours is achieved with the Belgian yeast, leaving gentle sweetness and hints of alcohol throughout - leading to a dry and mildly bitter mouth feel.
- beer type: Belgian Tripel
- original gravity: 1.070
- ABV: 8%
- IBU: 21
- SRM: 5.8
- makes 15 litres
- optimal fermentation temperature: 20-25°C
- Ready in: 4 weeks but optimal in 8 weeks
- recommended glass: Tulip Beer Glass
Ingredients: Pilsner malt (barley), Cara malt (barley), Gold candi syrup, Tradition hops, Saaz hops, Belgian yeast, bottling Dextrose sugar and 30ml sanitiser.
The malt is crushed and vacuum sealed for freshness.
Brewing instructions included.
See instructional Vid here
See brewing instructions here